The Best Restaurants in Venice are the Cicchetti Bars

Venice is admired for it’s beautiful architecture, hundreds of canals, and unique history.  It is the combination of these factors that draws millions of visitors to this tiny city each and every year.  But while these are great reasons for travelers to visit the city, a highlight that is not often talked about is the food.

Sure, Venice is home to the cuisine that the country of Italy is famous for. There are places to get amazing pizzas, pasta, and gelato on every corner; all delicious.  But when thinking back on the favorite memory of the city, it is all to common to jump to the other features we mentioned at the beginning of this article. 

Even though the food is always great, what is typically not included with the memory is of it being truly “Venetian.” This is why we think some of the best restaurants in Venice are, in fact, the cicchetti bars.

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Saving Money Traveling in Switzerland with the Swiss Pass

When we announced that two-weeks of our year and a half long trip around the world were going to be spent in the country of Switzerland, we got a lot of interesting feedback. 

Of course, most of it was about the price tag. We knew Switzerland was going to be one of the largest budget items of the itinerary and was something we planned for in advance to accommodate. 

But after researching many of the options for saving money in the country, from cooking our own meals to staying in private rooms in apartments, one stood out as an even better cost saver: the Swiss Pass.

Much like other rail passes, we abused our rail pass extensively while in Switzerland.  In doing so we saved quite an impressive amount of money while also having the opportunity to try out more big-ticket items that we would have otherwise missed. But is the rail pass right for you on your next trip to the country? 

Let’s find out.

Disclaimer: We received the Swiss Rail Pass complimentary from the tourist board during our stay; however, we have a full analysis of costs included in this post from our trip in 2013.

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