15 Photos to Enjoy a Virtual Trip to Morocco

Not being able to travel is rough. We get it. There is nothing fun about being stuck at home with no plans for the future.

To help things out, we’re publishing a virtual trip series where we share 15 of our favorite photos from a previous trip and share some of the backstories behind the images.

For our fifth entry, we’re traveling to Africa to explore Morocco- a country we explored for ten days in 2017!

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Sahara Desert Trips – Opt for the Three Night Tour in Morocco

When visiting Morocco, we had one experience on our mind above all others- taking a trip out into the Sahara desert to see the famous sand dunes.

As this was to be one of the highlights of our trip to Morocco, we wanted to make sure we do this one right and found numerous options for the trip.

Some tours went one way from Fes to Marrakech, others did the reverse, and even more did round trips from each city. As we were making a big loop around Morocco on our trip, the one-way from Fes to Marrakech made the most sense for our itinerary.

We then had to decide between the two night and three night tour, and not wanting to turn down more time in the desert we opted for the three night tour. In this one, we want to dive down into that one question you may be having if you’re having the same problem: what do you get out of that extra night?

Note: We are reviewing our experience on Sahara Desert Trips in this article. We were not hosted for this tour in any capacity and paid for the tour ourselves. In other cases we would likely not call out the tour company by name, but we are here as itineraries are all over the map for Sahara tours.

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The Moroccan Hammam Experience – A Tale of Two Hammams

For many travelers to Morocco, visiting a hammam is high on their list of things to do. There’s just one question we had once we arrived: to visit a tourist hammam or an authentic local hammam?

On our recent trip to Morocco we tried both, and we would highly recommend each as they are completely different experiences, both with their own pros and cons.

Today we are going to jump into those differences!

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Rug Shopping in Morocco – The Bartering Experience

We knew we wanted to go rug shopping in Morocco before we got there, and did a fair bit of research online as to what to expect prior to arriving (including which of the many beautiful styles we would be interested in purchasing).

One thing that jumped out at us as we got started was the number of comments that shopping at Local Berbere Artisanal in Chefchaouen was much more laid back, offered better prices, and generally was a more enjoyable experience than, well, anywhere else in the country.

Even though it was the first stop of our trip, we found ourselves at the shop making a very expensive decision from the get-go and we are certainly glad we did.

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